Elisangela - Inglês


Nesta página o professora Elisangela de Inglês orientará seus alunos.

Bons estudos.

 contato com a professora: elisa.verdinho@gmail.com

ELISANGELA - 1EM D – INGL- Atividades da aula

 Atividade-1 Verb to be (Present Tense)   



I am

We are

You are

You are

He is

She is

It is

They are

 Exercises1- (Affirmative form)

1. She ___ a student.

2. We ___students.

3. I ___ a worker.

4. John and Mary ___ at home.

5. You ___ a teacher.

6. You ___ in the classroom.

7. He ___ a good worker.

8. My family ___ in Mexico.

9. It ___ cold outside.

10. They ___ in the car.

The negative form



I am not

We are not

You are not

You are not

He is not

She is not

It is not

They are not


Exercises-2 (negative form)


1. He _____ _____ here today.

2. They _____ _____ ready to leave yet.

3. It ______ ______ sunny outside.

4. We _____ ______ at work today.

5. I ______ _____ on the phone.

6. The students ______ _____ in the classroom.

7. My friend John ______ _____ in his car.

8. You _____ _____ online.

9. These shoes _______ ______ on sale.

10. Maria _____ ______ in the kitchen.

The interrogative form 



Am I....

Are we...

Are you...

Are you....

Is he....

Is she...

Is it.....

Are they....

 Exercise-3 (Interrogative form) 

1. _____ he a good student?

2. ______ the cars parked in the garage?

3. ______ they fine today?

4. ______ you in this class?

5. ______ she from Mexico? 

Atividade 2- The verb to be (Past Tense) 

Past Tense


I was

We were

You were

You were

He/She/It was

They were

Exercises-1(affirmayive form) 

1. She _______ in school yesterday.

2. They ______ at the store.

3. It ______ a good movie on TV last night.

4. Tom and Anna ______ here last night.

5. We _______ in the classroom this morning. 

Exanples (Negative Form- past tense) 

I was in my classroom yesterday.

He was at a movie last night.

We were at school yesterday.

You were there, too. 

Exercises-2( Negative form) 

1. He ________ at work on Monday.

2. It _________ a difficult test.

3. The government _________ very good five years ago.

4. You _________ in love with her.

5. I __________ online last night. 

Interrogative Form( Past tense-To be) 


Was I ...

Were you ...?

Was she ...?

Was he ...?

Was it ...?

Were we ...?

Was you ...?

Were they ...?


Exercises-3 (Interrogative form)


1. ________ the store employees helpful?

2. ________ I helpful?

3. ________ she here last February?

4. ________ it a bad accident?

5. ________ there anything to eat at the party? 

OBs: Os alunos devem assistir videoaulas no you tube sobre a matéria. 

 “The verb to be present and the past tense nas formas afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas) antes de iniciar os exercícios. 

  contato com a professora: elisa.verdinho@gmail.com


ELISANGELA - 2EM E – INGL Atividades para o 2D e 2E


Atividades 1- Demonstrative Pronouns


this / that / these / those



A thing or a person is


This = singular


A thing or a person is


That = singular


Things or people are


These = plural


Things or people are


Those = plural


Exercises-1 (Demonstrative Pronouns)


The Bill´s family


My name is Bill. This is my family: my father, my mother,my brother, my sister and me.

This is my father. His name is Frederick. That is my mother. Her name ´s Patrícia. These are my brothers. Their names are Robert and Deborah.


1- Translate this text in Portuguese


Exercise-2 –Complete with this/these:


1- ____ bird are beautiful.

2- ____ exercise is difficult.

3- ____ boats are small.

4- ____ car is new.



Atividade-2 Simple Present


Utilizamos o Simple Present para ações do dia a dia. EX.: rotinas, hábitos, etc.)


1- They always wake up at 7 am.

(Eles sempre acordam às 7:00 da manhã.)

2- Clara has cereals for breakfast.

(Clara come cereais no café da manhã.)

3- She doesn’t study in the library on Mondays.

(Ela não estuda na biblioteca nas segundas-feiras.)


Regra Geral


De modo geral, a maioria dos verbos recebe um -s ao final:

·         read » reads

·         sing » sings

·         run » runs

·         write » writes

·         sit » sits

·         sleep » sleeps

·         open » opens


Regra 2


2) Mas, se o verbo terminar com as letras -o, -s, -sh, -ch, -x ou -z você terá de acrescentar -es:

·         go  » goes

·         do » does

·         miss » misses

·         wash » washes

·         watch » watches

·         fix » fixes

·         buzz » buzzes


Regra 3


3) Caso o verbo termina em uma sequência de consoante e ‘y’ – exemplos são try, reply, hurry, cry e outros – você deverá jogar o pobre do ‘y’ na lata do lixo e colocar ‘-ies‘. Veja,

·         try » tries

·         reply » replies

·         hurry » hurries

·         cry » cries


Preste atenção ao fato de isso se aplicar apenas a verbos terminados em uma sequência de consoante e ‘y’. Verbos que terminam com vogal e ‘y’ prevalece a regra geral, ou seja, acrescente apenas o ‘s‘.

·         stay » stays

·         play » plays

·         pray » prays


Example: (Simple Present)


I stay at home on sundays./ She stays at home on fridays,


Obs: the verb to have in the simple present use has (he, she , it) and the verb to be ( is or are)


Exercises1- Simple present (use as regras):


1) They _______________ alone. (to live)

2) She ______________ Portuguese. (to speak)

3) They ______________ every day. (to study)

4) We ____________ everything. (to know)

5) He ______________ a car. (to have)

6) My mother ______________ every year. (to visit)

7) They _____________ TV in the morning. (to watch)

8) We ___________ well. (to dance)

9) He __________________ in the park at night. (to play)

10) I _____________ the newspaper every morning. (to read)

11) They _____________ the homework. (to do)


Exercises-2 Text: Food


 Food is very important. We need to eat fruits, vegetables and meat to be in good health. We have to drink water, milk and juices too. We have coffee and milk, fruit, juice fruit, cheese, jam, toast, cookies, bread and butter for breakfast.

For lunch or dinner, we eat rice, beans, eggs, vegetables, salad and one kind of meat: beef, chicken, fish or pork.

After these meals, we have a dessert: fruit, pudding, pie, ice cream, fruit salad or sweets.


1- Copie o texto no seu caderno e faça a tradução. Use o google tradutor para treinar a pronúncia das palavras.



Obs.: Assista algumas videoaulas no youtube sobre verbos regulares e irregulares antes dos exercícios.

Use alguns app para treinar o inglês.








Atividades para o mês de maio


The Past Tense (Regular and Irregular verbs)


There are two types of past tense verbs: Há dois tipos de verbos no passado: os verbos regulares e irregulares.


The Regular verbs: add “ed” finish the verb. Ex: love- loved, want- wanted, etc.


The Irregular verbs: don't add "ed", no use we have different form. Com verbos irregulares temos uma forma diferente. Ex: speak- spoke, write-wrote, etc.


Examples- Simple Past


Work- worked (regular)

Be- was/were (irregular)

Live-lived (regular)

Do- did (irregular)

Move- moved (regular)

Go-went (irregular)


Exercícios (regular e Irregular verbs)


Complete as frases com os verbos no passado simples.


1- Yesterday my friend Sally and I (go)______  to the supermarket to buy food.

2- We (find)_______  everything we (want)_______ , except my favorite cookies.

3- John usually goes to school by bus, but yesterday he (walk)_______ because it (be)______  a beautiful day.

4- When Mary and Jake (arrive)______  at the party, they (look)_______  for Mike but couldn't find him.

5- We (see)______  Star Wars last week. I (like)_______  it a lot, but my friends didn't.

6- My TV (be)_______  broken last week, so I (read)________  all my magazines in my free time.

7- Janet (make)_______  three delicious dishes for lunch last Saturday. 8- We (eat)_______  all the food - there was nothing left.

9-Tony and Tim (play)_______ basketball as children.

10- Tim also (study)_______  French and piano.


2.Preencha as lacunas das frases com “regular verbs.”:


 a.I_____a good film yesterday.( to watch).

 b.He __________her friends last weekend. ( to visit).

 c.They __________the violin at the party. ( to play).

d.They__________hard last month.(to work).

e.You__________your living room very well( to clean).

f.In the afternoon I ________along a lake. (to walk).

g.My cousin ____________he piano and I _________the drinks.( to play/to prepare) .

h.In the morning I _________the birds and the sunset.( to watch).

 I.On weekends we______________parties.( to organize).


Exercises 2- Faça uma lista com 10 verbos regulares e irregulares mais usado no dia a dia e observe a diferença entre eles. Depois disso responda os exercícios propostos.

 Obs.: Assista algumas videoaulas no youtube sobre verbos regulares e irregulares antes dos exercícios.

Use alguns app para treinar o inglês.




 contato com a professora: elisa.verdinho@gmail.com


Atividades 1 e 2- 1TA


Atividades para 1 e 2 semana de maio

Copie todo conteúdo em seu caderno e faça os exercícios.


Atividade 1-Articles

A / An / The


The boy – O garoto

The girl – A garota

The men – Os homens

The women – As mulheres

The dogs – Os cachorros


1- Complete as frases utilizando o artigo a ou an:


 a) She has___ white dog.
 b) He wants ___ piece of that cake.
 c) I love to eat ___ apple every morning.
 d) She has ___ interesting idea.
 e) My dad got ___ new job.
 f) Sarah wants to be ___ dancer.
 g) I will take ___ taxi.
 h) Maria is ____ good girl.
 i) My cousin wants to be ____astronaut.
 j) She is ___ girl.
 k) He is ___boy.
 l) I need to buy ___ backpack.


 2- Complete os exercícios 1 com o artigo correspondente e faça a tradução de cada frase no exercício 2. (no caderno)

             Atividade 2

The verb to be (Present Tense)





I am

We are

You are

You are

He is

She is

It is

They are


Exercises1- (Affirmative form)


1. She ___ a student.

2. We ___students.

3. I ___ a worker.

4. John and Mary ___ at home.

5. You ___ a teacher.  

6. You ___ in the classroom.

7. He ___ a good worker.

8. My family ___ in Mexico.  

9. It ___ cold outside.

10. They ___ in the car.


The negative form




I am not

We are not

You are not

You are not

He is not

She is not

It is not

They are not


Exercises-2 (negative form)


1. He _____ _____ here today. 

2. They _____ _____ ready to leave yet. 

3. It ______ ______ sunny outside. 

4. We _____ ______ at work today. 

5. I ______ _____ on the phone. 

6. The students ______ _____ in the classroom. 

7. My friend John ______ _____ in his car. 

8. You _____ _____ online. 

9. These shoes _______ ______ on sale. 

10. Maria _____ ______ in the kitchen.



The interrogative form




Am I....

Are we...

Are you...

Are you....

Is he....

Is she...

Is it.....

Are they....


Exercise-3 (Interrogative form)


1. _____ he a good student?

2. ______ the cars parked in the garage?

3. ______ they fine today?

4. ______ you in this class?

5. ______ she from Mexico?


Atividades 1 e 2 – 2TA


                  Atividade 1

          Cardinal Numbers


0- zero




1 - one

11 - eleven

21 - twenty-one

31 - thirty-one

2 - two

12 - twelve

22 - twenty-two

32 - thirty-two

3 - three

13 - thirteen

23 - twenty-three

33 - thirty-three

4 - four

14 - fourteen

24 - twenty-four

34 - thirty-four

5 - five

15 - fifteen

25 - twenty-five

35 - thirty-five

6 - six

16 - sixteen

26 - twenty-six

36 - thirty-six

7 - seven

17 - seventeen

27- twenty-seven

37 - thirty-seven

8 - eight

18 - eighteen

28 - twenty-eight

38 - thirty-eight

9 - nine

19 - nineteen

29 - twenty-nine

39 - thirty-nine

10 - ten

20 - twenty

30 - thirty

40 - forty

10 - ten

40 - forty

70 - seventy

20 - twenty

50 - fifty

80 - eighty

30 - thirty

60 - sixty

90 - ninety


Examples cardinal numbers




 a/one hundred


 two hundred


 three hundred


 four hundred


 five hundred


 six hundred


 seven hundred


 eight hundred


 nine hundred



Exercises1- Write the numbers:


1.       101__________________________

2.       110__________________________

3.       23 __________________________

4.       268_________________________

5.       350_________________________

6.       409 _________________________

7.       540_________________________

8.       790 _________________________




 a/one thousand


 a/one thousand and one


 a/one thousand and ten


 two thousand


 two thousand and two




Obs.: Assista algumas videoaulas no youtube sobre assunto antes dos exercícios.

Use alguns app para treinar o inglês.




 contato com a professora: elisa.verdinho@gmail.com 
  Atividades 1 e 2- 3TA e 3TB

               Atividade 1 The verb to be (Present Tense)      



I am

We are

You are

You are

He is

She is

It is

They are



Exercises1- (Affirmative form)


1. She ___ a student.

2. We ___students.

3. I ___ a worker.

4. John and Mary ___ at home.

5. You ___ a teacher.  

6. You ___ in the classroom.

7. He ___ a good worker.

8. My family ___ in Mexico.  

9. It ___ cold outside.

10. They ___ in the car.

The negative form 



I am not

We are not

You are not

You are not

He is not

She is not

It is not

They are not


Exercises-2 (negative form)


1. He _____ _____ here today. 

2. They _____ _____ ready to leave yet. 

3. It ______ ______ sunny outside. 

4. We _____ ______ at work today. 

5. I ______ _____ on the phone. 

6. The students ______ _____ in the classroom. 

7. My friend John ______ _____ in his car. 

8. You _____ _____ online. 

9. These shoes _______ ______ on sale. 

10. Maria _____ ______ in the kitchen.





The interrogative form




Am I....

Are we...

Are you...

Are you....

Is he....

Is she...

Is it.....

Are they....


Exercise-3 (Interrogative form)


1. _____ he a good student?

2. ______ the cars parked in the garage?

3. ______ they fine today?

4. ______ you in this class?

5. ______ she from Mexico?




                    Atividade 2

Have (present tense)

S + has / have





I have

We have

You have

You have

He has

She has

It has

They have



1.      I have a new car

2.      They have time to go to the movies.

3.      She has brown eyes.

4.      He has a beard.



     Negative Form- Verb to have





I don't have....

We don't have...

You don't have...

You don't have...

He doesn't have...

They don't have...

She doesn't have...


It doesn't have...




1-Complete these sentences using verb to have affirmative and negative form:


1. He _____________ a very good job.

2. She ____________ a car. (negative)

3. I _____ much time today. (negative)

4. The students _________ their books.

5. The cat ____________ enough food.

6. My car ________ any gas.(negative)

7. You _________ a lot of work to do.

8. We __________ any milk(negative).

9. The government ______ thousands of employees.

10. Maria _________ a new computer.

11. I usually _____ two cups of coffee every morning.

12. They ______ any water. (negative)

13. The house ____ a phone (negative)

14. Maria and John __________ a lot of fun when they are together.

15. You ___ any work to do. (negative)

16. The police _______ someone in the back seat of their car.

17. Arthur __________ his paycheck.

18. My daughter's teacher _________ seven children.

19. I _______________ a toothache.

20. He never _________ any problems.


Obs.: Assista algumas videoaulas no youtube sobre assunto antes dos exercícios.

Use alguns app para treinar o inglês.





POSTADO EM 06/05/2020